Slowly, tentatively, cautiously, the world is beginning to emerge into the flow of life, after 18 months of uncertainty. Surely, the entire Pandemic is not behind us, but we are starting to re-enter social activity, business, school life, and other aspects of life. How is this going for you?

The COVID crisis caused enourmous disruption to the entire world, and many individuals experienced financial distress, employment uncertainty, social isolation and loneliness. Some folks were able to navigate the stresses well; others found their coping mechanisms severely stretched. Many people sufffered challenges with their mental health, and in relationships, impacted by stress.
There are griefs and losses to be integrated, especially for those of us who lost loved ones during this time, when all of our normal ways of grieving (funerals, wakes, gathering to express sympathy together) were not available to us.
What do you need to help you make sense of this time? Would you like to have space to talk to a companion to process your grief, your sadness, or your hesitancy to re-enter the busy community around you?
Emerging Wholeness counsellor Dianne Baker is ready to be a supporting and guiding presence for you. Whether you need support around regaining your health and wellness, guidance on processing a loss, increasing your skills in self-regulation and stress management, Dianne is open for appointments.
In person, by phone or Zoom, Dianne creates safe and trustworthy space for you in your self-exploration, and on your journey of healing.
Call 604-989-8424 for a free 20 minute initial consultation.
Email to book an appointment.
Sessions are $95.00 per clinical hour for individuals or $105.00 per clinical hour for couples and families. Reduced rates are available for folks with financial need.